Sermon: God in Impossible Business

God is in impossible business. Things impossible in human eyes, God does all the time, and we simply call them ‘miracles.’ God did a miracle with Mary who gave birth to Jesus without any man’s help. The virgin birth of the Messiah was the fulfillment of God’s own prophecy on how the Messiah would be born and what He would do to the devil the serpent (Genesis 3:15).

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Sermon: Nothing to Be Thankful for?

Pastor Choi talks about the connection between thanksgiving and worship. Without the attitude of worship, we cannot be thankful to the Lord especially in times of adversity. Worship provides us with the reasons that transcend our circumstances to give thanks to the Lord: God’s goodness, mercy, and faithfulness.

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Sermon: The Shrewd Manager

Today Pastor Choi points out the biblical truth that we must choose God over money (since we cannot serve them both at the same time). Once we choose God to serve over money, then, we realize that God is the owner and we are the managers of His wealth that is entrusted to us. It is God’s will for us to share our blessings with our less fortunate neighbors.

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Sermon: In the Presence of God

Today Pastor Choi talks about being in the presence of God—in the fellowship with God. He presents “Fellowship Breakers” using the case of Israelites who were removed from the presence of God due to their stubborn heart, rebellion against God through various sins including idolatry and rejection of God’s commandments. He also presents “Fellowship Restorers/Antidotes” that will restore the broken fellowship with God through repentance and humility. At the end of his message, he challenges the audience to take up “3-3-3” Challenge to start the fellowship with God right now.

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Sermon: Jesus’ Prayer for Us

Today Pastor Choi talks about the prayer Jesus offered to His Father on behalf of His disciples. He points out three things Jesus prayed for them: Keep them in Your name, Keep them from the evil one, and Sanctify them in the Truth. He assures the viewers that Jesus’ prayer for them is heard and answered by the Lord.

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Sermon: Three Things to Avoid Deception

For sermon only, skip to 16:45.

Today Pastor Choi talks about spiritual deceptions that lead God’s people astray. Taking the example of the Sadducees who were mistaken by their ignorance of the Scriptures and of the power of the living God, he recommends God’s people doing the following three things to avoid the deceptions: Understand the Scriptures, Experience God and His power, Watch and pray.

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Sermon: Interpreting the Times

For sermon only, skip to 12:45.

In today’s text, Jesus points out the spiritual reality that people are good at interpreting natural signs yet poor and ignorant of signs of the spiritual world. Pastor Choi urges the congregation to reconcile with each other now, grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through prayer and God’s Word, and be transformed into the image of Christ as we live in the end times.

Worship Bulletin:

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Sermon: Joy Project

For sermon only, skip to 11:58.

Today Pastor Choi talks about joy. In particular, he talks about Jesus’ joys in John 16 and 17. They are: the joy of seeing Jesus the resurrected, the joy of prayers answered, and the joy of knowing Jesus the conqueror of the world. At the end, he recommends his audience doing the following three things for 30 days to restore joy in their lives: Worship/praise/thanks every day, Pray specifically in Jesus’ name, and Get into God’s Word to know Jesus.

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Sermon: Salvation Can Never Be Taken Away from Us

For sermon only, skip to 8:59.

Today Pastor Choi talks about salvation and eternal life in Christ. He begins his message with a question, “If you die tonight, will you enter the resurrection of life or the resurrection of judgment?” He points out the truth that our salvation is secure in Christ. Beware of two things that will cost us our eternal life: Denial of Jesus in front of people, and disobedience to Jesus’ commands.

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Sermon: God’s Messenger and Message

For sermon only, skip to 9:49.

Pastor Choi talks about God’s messenger and God’s message. The task of messenger is to proclaim God’s message to God’s people as exactly as it was given by God. With no altercation, omission, addition or subtraction. God’s people also ought to discern who’s true messenger of God and who’s not by testing every spirit, teaching, and preaching against God’s Word.

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Sermon: Different Gospel

For sermon only, skip to 12:39.

Today Pastor Choi talks about different gospels that would derail our salvation train to Heaven. 1. Your own goodness gets you into Heaven. 2. You don’t have to believe in resurrection. 3. Jesus is not the only way to salvation. 4. There are other requirements for salvation besides faith in Christ. He exhorts the congregation to hold onto the genuine gospel of Jesus Christ: salvation by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone.

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Sermon: God Never Changes

For sermon only, skip to 12:58.

Pastor Choi talks about the link between the world in the Bible and the world we are living in. It is God Himself that connects the two worlds. Because God never changes, we can still have fellowship with God, trust in His Word, live by faith, and stand on His promises as the biblical characters did the same in their times.

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Sermon: Freedom in Christ

For sermon only, skip to 11:01.

Pastor Choi talks about freedom in Christ. In order to fully understand its meaning, we must understand what sin is. Sin is the state of heart that appears in various forms of evil and wickedness outside. Christ died to take sins away from us. He set us free from the bondage of sin and death through His blood.

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Sermon: God’s Purpose for You

For sermon only, skip to 15:28.

Pastor Choi talks about God’s two-fold purpose and plan for God’s people. First, universal and general divine purpose for all. Next, unique purpose in specific situations that only individuals can fulfill. We are called to glorify God by fulfilling God’s purpose for us through our words and deeds.

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Sermon: Be the Wise

For sermon only, jump to 12:27.

Pastor Choi talks about being wise in the sight of the Lord. He reminds the congregation to beware three tragedies of “a believing fool.” They are unpreparedness for life, ignorance of Jesus, and self-deception. He urges everyone to be wise in God’s eyes.

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Sermon: Unbind Your Faith Today!

For sermon only, skip to 14:12.

Pastor Choi talks about faith in Christ’s historical resurrection connecting three stories of people whom Jesus has resurrected from the dead: Jairus’s daughter, young man in Nain, and Lazarus in Bethany. He urges the audience to unbind their faith in Christ’s resurrection today!

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Audio Sermon:

Sermon: No Waste for Jesus

For sermon only, skip to 15:12.

Through the story of woman who anointed Jesus with her precious perfume, Pastor Choi talks about three aspects of true worship. 1. We worship Jesus our Lord and Savior. To Him, nothing is too precious to give. 2. True worship can cause criticism. Focus only onto Jesus in worship. 3. True worship overflows to the world. We are a fragrance of Christ to God and to people.

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Sermon: Love Builds Up

For Sermon Only, jump to 12:41.

Today Pastor Choi speaks about the Five Love Languages (Dr. Gary Chapman). Expounding on the five love languages such as Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch, he encourages his congregation to practice those love languages to build each other up in Christ.

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Sermon: Spiritual Flu (Symptoms and Cures)

For sermon only, skip to 15:11.

Today Pastor Choi talks about spiritual “flu”—a spiritual condition that debilitates and paralyzes the believers in their walk with God. Symptoms are: not doing what we would like to do, doing the very thing we hate, feel powerless before temptations, feel miserable after spiritual defeat, enslaved to the power of sin, constant inner tug-of-war between good and evil, feel “nothing but evil present in me,” low or no self-esteem, and tortured by negative/destructive thoughts and feelings. He offers cures in Christ: emancipation on the cross, identity in Christ, and God’s promises of forgiveness through repentance.

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Sermon: Opportunity or Obstacle?

For sermon only, skip to 11:27.

Today Pastor Choi talks about the believer’s attitude toward challenges in life. The believers never run away from life’s challenges, but meet them head-on. They do not trust their own might but rely on God’s strength and power. Based on the story of Caleb and Joshua who entered the Promised Land, he urges the congregation to exercise and apply the believer’s attitude in the following three ways: Thank God daily for the situations they are in. Pray daily 5 minutes on their challenges. Memorize two verses and meditate on them daily: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 & Philippians 4:13.

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Sermon: Go and Make Disciples

For sermon only, skip to 10:16.

Today, Pastor Choi talks about the Great Commission. First, it is for all believers, not just for a few chosen ones. Next, he recommends the viewer to adopt a new year’s goal: go and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Three action points for reaching out to those who need the Lord: adopt a country, adopt a non-believing family member and a non-believing friend. Pray for them and go to them with the gospel message.

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Audio Sermon:

Sermon: Christ the Gift from God

For sermon only, skip to 26:40.

Pastor Choi points out that Jesus Christ is the greatest gift from God to humanity. In Jesus, all godly benefits are packed such as love, joy, peace, salvation, and eternal life. Pastor Choi urges the audience to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord and claim those gifts from God in Jesus.

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Sermon: In His Time

For sermon only, skip to 13:00.

Pastor Choi talks about the birth of John the Baptist. From the story of Zecariah and Elizabeth (parents of John), he draws three lessons for the believers. First, do not judge by the outside look. Next, wait for God’s time. Finally, align with God’s value system.

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Audio Sermon:

Luke 1:5-25

Sermon: Christ the Very Image of God

For sermon only, skip to 17:09.

Pastor Choi points out that Christ was God’s solution to bring us back to God. After the Fall of Adam, our spirits were dead in sins and offenses. God made peace with us through the blood of the cross. The indwelling Christ works on us to restore the image of God in us to its original state, to its fullest and best capacity.

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Audio Sermon:

Sermon: In the Image of God

Being created in the image and likeness of God doesn’t mean physical resemblance between God and us. Rather, it means divine attributes were instilled in us such as conscience, reflection, love, creativity, and free will. It also means that God alone determines the worth of human soul. For each individual with divine attributes, God has a plan and purpose. No one is an accident.

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Audio Sermon:

Genesis 1:26-27

Sermon: The Seed of Thanks

Tonight, Pastor Choi shares three characteristics of thanksgiving. First, the law of sowing and reaping. The more thanks we sow in heart, the more thanks we reap later. Next, when you give thanks to the Lord, do it cheerfully, for the Lord loves the cheerful giver of thanks. Finally, when we keep sowing the seed of thanks, the Lord will make our life abundant for every good deed.

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Audio Sermon:

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Sermon: Where Are the Nine?

Luke 17:11-19

For sermon only, skip to 14:46.

Pastor Choi talks about the importance of being thankful in all circumstances. Worship is the key to being thankful. He also urges the congregation not to miss the opportunity to express their gratitude to the Lord and to the benefactors by doing it right away rather than wait.

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Audio sermon:

Luke 17:11-19

Sermon: Concerning the Body

God claims that our body belongs to Him. For the following three reasons: He created us. He sustains us. He bought us for a price. We are not the owner of our body but the stewards who are called to take good care of the body. We are to use our heart, tongue, eyes, and hands to the glory of God.

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1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Sermon: Remember the Persecuted

Today Pastor Choi exhorts God’s people to remember the persecuted believers in Christ, to pray for them and support them. He points out that there are two sides of persecution. Either we ourselves or other believers in Christ go through persecution. When we ourselves undergo persecution, God wants us to show courage. When other believers go through persecution, God wants us to show solidarity.

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