Jesus will keep those who keep Jesus’ Word of perseverance from the hour of the testing.
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Jesus will keep those who keep Jesus’ Word of perseverance from the hour of the testing.
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Worship Service Bulletin:
Pastor Choi teaches on two things: White garments in Heaven, and the Book of Life.
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Christ commands today’s churches to wake up and stay alert in prayer.
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The Church in Thyatira, encouraged by false teachings, was compromising with the world. This deeply troubled Christ. So, He commands true believers to “hold fast” to His word of truth. Unity, love, and compassion are essential in the Church; however, Christ says, not at the expense of truth.
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Christ warns the Church against false teachings and sexual immorality in the Church. He will fight those who refuse to repent with the sword of His mouth, which is God’s Word and Truth.
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Pastor Choi talks about Christ’s message to the Church in Smyrna. Be prepared to die for your faith in Christ. Those who overcome will receive the crown of life and not suffer the second death.
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Pastor Choi invites the congregation to listen to Christ’s message to the Church in Ephesus. When members of the Church vigorously engage themselves in defending the biblical truth, it pleases the Lord. Also, we should restore our first love for the Lord and practice love and grace to each other.
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Pastor Choi invites the congregation to enter his pastoral heart and examine what’s his priorities, vision, mission for his congregation, and much more.
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Pastor Choi talks about “5” things every child of God is commanded to do for their enemies. 1. Love. 2. Do good. 3. Bless. 4. Pray. 5. Be merciful. If they do, they will be blessed in their health and relationships.
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In Jesus, God fulfilled the three offices of Messiah: Prophet, High Priest, and King of Kings.
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God the Father expects us His children to bear fruit in our walk with Him daily. To bear fruit means to bring glory to His name in our words and actions. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.
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Denying Jesus’ claim that He is the only way to the Father cancels what Jesus has spoken. Therefore, it makes Him a liar and not telling us the truth. Accept His claim as it is or reject it, but don’t sit on the fence. Make up your mind today.
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Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
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Jesus the Good Shepherd knows us, leads us, and protects us.
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Jesus is the Light of the World and the Light of life.
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Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and the beginning and the end. He is one of the three divine persons in God (the Trinity).
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Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. As we need bread and water for physical survival, we need Jesus for our spiritual survival both in this life and in the life to come.
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Pastor Choi explains four ways to know God intimately. 1. Scripture 2. In the Days of Trouble 3. Prayer 4. Obedience
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Pastor Choi urges his congregation to know of their God, not about God. He also talks about three types of people in terms of knowing God: 1. Those who don’t want to know God. 2. Those who may think they know God, but, in reality, they don’t. 3. Those who know God and keep His commandments.
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Pastor Choi explores three questions on human body and offers biblical answers thereon: 1. Who Created Human Body? 2. Who Claims the Ownership of Our Body? 3. What to Do with Our Body?
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Pastor Choi talks about Christ’s 5-fold Mission Statement: 1. Bind up the broken-hearted. 2. Proclaim liberty to captives. 3. Recover the sight to the blind. 4. Set free the oppressed. 5. Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
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God raised Christ from the dead and He brings the witnesses’ accounts, not scientific proof, for us to hear and believe.
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Jesus committed His spirit into the hands of His Father. So should we roll away our worries, our ways, our works, body, soul, and spirit into the mighty hands of our Heavenly Father.
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Jesus completed three things on the cross. 1. Atonement 2. Adoption 3. Access
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons today. 1. We need to look at our life as God sees. 2. We need to take God’s Word seriously. 3. Go to Jesus in times of trouble.
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On the cross, Jesus cried out to God: My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:46). Four lessons from His cry: 1. It is alright to cry out to God in our pain. 2. Things can happen to us not as the consequences of our bad behavior or poor judgments. 3. God is fully aware of what’s going on in your life. 4. Take sin seriously.
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Pastor Choi talks about A.A.A. for salvation today in his message. 1. Admit that you are a sinner. 2. Acknowledge Jesus as your Savior who died on the cross to wash away your sins. 3. Ask Him to remember you in His kingdom.
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Three lessons from today’s text: 1. Treat women with respect as Jesus did. 2. New family relationships are created in Christ. 3. Submit to God’s will in all circumstances.
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Jesus points out three things we must remember in forgiveness: 1. Forgive proactively. 2. The key to forgiveness is knowing God. 3. Compassion/mercy is the basis of forgiveness.
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Check out the following if you get nothing out of the sermon. 1. Preacher: Does s/he preach the Word of God? 2. You: Do you unite your faith in good heart with the sermon? 3. the devil: Beware of the devil who is lurking in your heart to snatch away God’s Word sown in your heart.
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We are called by God for three things: 1. Freedom (Galatians 5:13) 2. The Hope of Resurrection (Ephesians 1:18) 3. Making Disciples (Matthew 28:19)
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Pastor Choi talks about three things make the believer a liar. 1. Naturalism. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. Denial of Jesus the Christ
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Pastor Choi talks about three benefits of walking in the fear of the Lord. 1. Security and Confidence 2. Protection 3. Wisdom
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Pastor Choi urges the congregation to beware of the following time-wasters. 1. Unforgiving 2. Comparing 3. Doubt 4. Grumbling 5. Worry
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Pastor Choi designated 2024 to be “The Year of Talents.” He exhorts God’s people to discover and use God’s given-talent in them, and grow spiritually throughout this year.
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons from the magi. 1. Worship the King 2. Bring Gifts Worthy of the King 3. Jesus Is the Savior for All
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons we can learn from the shepherds. 1. Check-it-out Attitude 2. Find Jesus by searching 3. Hear-Experience-Tell
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Pastor Choi talks about angels in the Bible. They are spirits created by God for a three-fold purpose: 1. Messengers of God. 2. Worship/Praise the Lord. 3. Ministering Spirits.
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God worked with Mary and Joseph for the greatest miracle of all: the supernatural birth of Jesus. They shared two outstanding qualities in their character. Willingness and Humility.
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Pastor Choi talks about the two foundations of our life: Christ the solid rock and all other foundations as sinking sand. What or who is the foundation of your life? Have Christ as your foundation. You will never regret it.
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Pastor Choi shares the four suggestions to be content made by Rev. Adam Hamilton in his book “Enough.” 1. Say, “It Could Be Worse.” 2. Ask “How Long Will This Make Me Happy?” 3. Cultivate a Grateful Heart. 4. Ask “Where Does My Soul Find True Satisfaction?”
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Pastor Choi urges the congregation to remember those brothers and sisters who are persecuted on account of their faith in Jesus Christ.
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Pastor Choi talks about what pleases the LORD our God. 1. When we seek His Kingdom and righteousness and do what is right in His sight. 2. When we turn from evil ways. 3. When we do good works. 4. When we pray on behalf of people. 5. When we walk in the Spirit. 6. When we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. 7. When we love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with God. 8. When we trust in the LORD without wavering. 9. When we bear fruit of the Holy Spirit. and much more.
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Pastor Choi explains why sin is bad for our well-being, both spiritual and physical.
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Pastor Choi talks about cross, what happened at the cross, who nailed Jesus to the cross, what is the cross of Christ, and the proper attitude toward the cross of Christ.
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Pastor Choi explains why we celebrate the Lord’s Supper: first, Christ commands us to do so. Next, we remember His suffering on our behalf in Communion, and thirdly, we proclaim Christ’s death until He comes.
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Pastor Choi explains the meaning of three marks of a disciple in Luke 14. 1. Carry own cross and follow Jesus. 2. Hate loved ones and even own life. 3. Give up own possessions.
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Jesus points out two keys to bearing fruit to glorify the name of the Father in Heaven. 1. Remain in Him. 2. His Words Remain in Us.
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Concerning His Second Coming, the Lord commands us two things: Don’t panic and don’t slumber.
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Like the wise virgins awaiting the groom to arrive, Christ commands us to be on the alert for we do not know the day or the hour of His Second Coming.
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