Sermon: Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Today Pastor Choi talks about baptism of the Holy Spirit. It means that the Spirit of God descends upon the believers and use them in a mighty way. it is demonstrated in various gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. He exhorts every believer in Christ to desire it and ask God to give the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13).

Sermon: Shalom in the Family

Today Pastor Choi talks about Shalom in the family. He explains how Shalom in the first family (Adam and Eve’s) was destroyed and urges the congregation to beware of the devil’s scheme. He ends the sermon with three action points: pray for salvation of the family, pray for forgiveness and repentance, and pray for peace in the house.

Sermon: On Behalf of Our Children

Today Pastor Choi exhorts the parents and grandparents to keep their children in their daily prayers for their salvation in Christ. Pointing out that the eternal inheritance is reserved for those who are worthy to receive it through their faith in Christ alone, Pastor Choi urges them to do everything to hand down their faith unto the next generation.

Image result for children and faith
Text: 2 Timothy 1:5

Sermon: The Triumphal Entry

Text: John 12:12-16

Two thousand years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey’s back. It was a fulfillment of prophecy on how the Messiah would come to His people by prophet Zachariah about 520 B.C. The same Christ still comes, as a humble King and Lord, into the believer’s heart.

Sermon: Watch and Pray

Text: Matthew 26:36-41

Today Pastor Choi talks about three lessons from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: 1. In the throes of stress, pray more and ask for prayer support. 2. Pray for an hour because God knows you can do it. 3. Pray so that you may not enter into temptation.

Sermon: The Daily Manna

Today Pastor Choi talks about Manna the heavenly food from God for God’s people. The sermon explains the origin of manna, how it was provided, and the ultimate goal God had in mind for His people: to understand that they cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Sermon: The Problem of the Unforgiving Servant

Today Pastor Choi talks about the importance of forgiving each other even up to 490 times! The sermon points out the problem of the unforgiving servant: Ungrateful, unmerciful, and unwise. The pastor exhorts the congregation to forgive by being grateful, merciful, and act with eternal perspective in mind, because our eternal destination depends on our forgiveness of those who trespass against us.

Matthew 18:21-35

Sermon: When Things Don’t Make Sense

Today Pastor Choi talks about things that strike us on a societal level and make us shocked and puzzled. Expounding on Jesus’ call to repent in Luke 13:1-5, he shares three lessons for us to remember: 1. Suffering is no sure determiner of guilt. 2. Repentance is required of all without reference to accidents of life. 3. Time to repent is Now. Time is short. He exhorts God’s people to pray for our nation as Abraham did on behalf of Sodom.

Sermon: Concerning Joy

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice (Philippians 4:4)

In his sermon today (read by Sarah Choi), Pastor Choi talks about joy, particularly true joy that lasts eternally. There’s only One who can give us true joy–the LORD God. Pastor Choi also talks about two kinds of joy: worldly joy and godly joy. He finally talks about three ways to obtain and abide in true joy: believing in the Name of Jesus, pursuing God not joy itself, and experiencing the living God in life.

Sermon: The Temptation of Jesus

The Temptation of Jesus

Text: Luke 4:1-13

Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. He points out that we too experience temptations in our lives such as bread alone, worship other gods, and pride. Pastor Choi also presents three ways to ward off temptations.

Sermon: 2019 – the Year of Shalom

Today Pastor Choi designates 2019 to be the year of Shalom. In his message, he explains the meaning of Shalom in the Bible, Shalom in all respects in spirit, soul, and body (in that order), and exhorts the congregation to pursue God’s will for His children–Shalom—throughout this year.

Sermon: On the Trinity

Text: John 1:1-2, 14, 10:22-39

Today Pastor Choi delivers a sermon on the Trinity. After telling the congregation why he chose this sermon topic during the Advent season, he explains the doctrine on the Trinity. He points out that the Son of God, being equal to God, came down in human form to save us from our sins.

Sermon: Two Lessons from Mary

Text: Luke 1:46-56

Today Pastor Choi talks about two lessons from Mary the mother of Jesus: humility and blessedness.  True humility before God means courage to embrace God’s will and plan for the believers.  As far as blessings go, we need to learn to look at blessings from God’s perspective not from that of the world.

Sermon: God’s Time Our Time

Text: Luke 1:5-25

Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s time vs. Our time.  He points out three lessons from the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth–the parents of John the Baptist.  First, the delayed answers to our prayers may have nothing to do with us but have everything to do with God’s divine purpose and plan for our lives.  Next, God’s time is different from ours.  Thirdly, we must persevere in prayer without losing heart or faith in God.

Thanksgiving Eve Message: Doing of Thanking for 20 Things

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Pastor Choi talks about the importance of being thankful to God in all circumstances, both good and bad.  Listing the benefits of spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical areas, he exhorts God’s people to practice “D.O.T. 20” (Doing of Thanking for 2o Things) every day.

Sermon: The Word of God-the Sword of the Spirit

Text: Ephesians 6:10-18

Today Pastor Choi talks about how to be victorious in our spiritual battle against the spiritual forces of wickedness.  He exhorts God’s people to get into the Word of God daily, to receive “Rema” the spoken word of God and wield it against the schemes of the devil, deception and accusation.



Sermon: Be Rich toward God

Text: Luke 12:13-21

Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ warning against greed.  He also draws a distinction between two Greek words both of which are translated into the same English word “life.”   The first Greek word is ‘ζωη’ (zoe) (e.g. English name–Zoe) and the other one is ‘βιος’ (bios)—e.g. biology, biochemistry,….  Finally, he explains the meaning of being poor (and rich) in the sight of God.

Sermon: Jesus’ Second Coming (Parousia)

Text: 2 Peter 3:1-15

Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ Second Coming (Parousia).  He encourages the congregation to carefully examine Peter’s explanation of the delay of Parousia threefold: The Lord is faithful to keep His promise.  The Lord is patient to give a chance to everyone to come to repentance.  The Lord expects us to stay alert in prayer, spotless and blameless while we await Jesus’ Second Coming.

Sermon: What Soil Are You? (Be the Good Soil)

Text: Mark 4:1-9, 13-20.

Today Pastor Choi talks about four types of soil where the seed is sown.  Soil represents human heart and the seed represents God’s Word, both proclaimed and read.  He explains the following four types of heart conditions: roadside (no chance), rocky (no root), thorny (no fruit), and good soil (fruitful).  He exhorts the congregation to be the good soil so that they may be fruitful by accepting God’s Word in their hearts.

Sermon: Be Imitators of God

Texts: Ephesians 5:1, Matthew 5:48

Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s universal plan for God’s children: to make us ‘perfect.’  To achieve His goal, as long as we let Him do His job, He will not rest until He exhausts every means available in His hands.  It may be painful at times, but when we trust in His good will, and work with Him, and, in the end, we will be transformed into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18).


Sermon: Be Christ’s Disciple

Text: Luke 9:23-27

Today Pastor Choi talks about the meaning of discipleship in three ways: reality check, the nature of discipleship, and the marks of Christ’s disciple.  He concludes his message with Christ’s own reminder: Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter (Matthew 7:21, New American Standard Bible).

Sermon: On Fathers

Text: Ephesians 6:4

Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s command for fathers: do not provoke your children to anger (Ephesians 6:4).  Pointing out the reality in America, he exhorts both children and fathers to reconcile with each other not by feelings but by will.  He recommends a two step reconciliation process: Be determined to forgive.  Be proactive in Love.

Sermon: Advice for Young Believers

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Summary: Pastor Choi gives three pieces of advice to young believers (confirmands) in Christ.  If they practice his advice, they will lay out the foundation of their faith in Christ and harvest and enjoy the fruit thereof.  1. Take God’s Word seriously:  Read God’s Word daily.  2. Keep the Sabbath holy: Worship the Lord weekly.  3. Do tithing: Give tithing to the Lord monthly.  And, they will be secure and content in the Lord.