Sermon: Be Christ’s Disciple

Text: Luke 9:23-27

Today Pastor Choi talks about the meaning of discipleship in three ways: reality check, the nature of discipleship, and the marks of Christ’s disciple.  He concludes his message with Christ’s own reminder: Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter (Matthew 7:21, New American Standard Bible).

Sermon: On Fathers

Text: Ephesians 6:4

Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s command for fathers: do not provoke your children to anger (Ephesians 6:4).  Pointing out the reality in America, he exhorts both children and fathers to reconcile with each other not by feelings but by will.  He recommends a two step reconciliation process: Be determined to forgive.  Be proactive in Love.

Sermon: Advice for Young Believers

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Summary: Pastor Choi gives three pieces of advice to young believers (confirmands) in Christ.  If they practice his advice, they will lay out the foundation of their faith in Christ and harvest and enjoy the fruit thereof.  1. Take God’s Word seriously:  Read God’s Word daily.  2. Keep the Sabbath holy: Worship the Lord weekly.  3. Do tithing: Give tithing to the Lord monthly.  And, they will be secure and content in the Lord.

Sermon: Creation Care

Texts: Genesis 1:28, Romans 8:19-22

Pastor Choi talks about Creation care.  He points out that sin of the inhabitants of land causes the whole creation to groan and suffer.  The creation waits eagerly for the children of God who would take good care of them as God would.  By being faithful to God, merciful and forgiving to each other, we can be a true steward of God’s creation.


Sermon: He Is Risen!

Text: Luke 24:1-12

Today, talking about Christ’s physical resurrection, Pastor Choi points out that God provides no other means but His angels and human witnesses for us to proclaim and believe in it.  We believe in His resurrection because of the witnesses’ accounts based on their integrity.  We believe in Jesus’ physical resurrection because of Jesus’ own integrity.  We also believe in Christ’s body resurrection because it withstood the fiery trials for centuries sealed with the blood of martyrs. He is risen!  He is risen indeed!

Sermon: Christ the Servant King

Text: Mark 11:1-11

Today Pastor Choi talks about the meaning of Palm Sunday: two thousand years ago another prophecy on Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus as He entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey.  He showed the true quality of Messiah—humility.  We also await His second coming as the Judge of the world.

Sermon: Prayer Is a Request

Today’s text: Philippians 4:6-7

Today Pastor Choi continues his sermon series on prayer: Prayer Is a Request (an act of asking).

First of all, asking for God’s favor is a command, not a suggestion: Ask, and it will be given (Matthew 7:7).   Next, we must practice with requests over and over again.  Learn from mistakes and ask again.  Ask, Learn, and Repeat.  Finally, there are five ways to ask: a. Ask in Jesus’ name (John 14:14). b. Ask with faith (Mark 11:24). c. Ask without worries (Philippians 4:6). d. Ask with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). e. Ask with persistence (Luke 18:1).

Sermon: Prayer Is a Rescue

Text: Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus Walks on the Water)

Today Pastor Choi talks about another nature of prayer: it is God’s response to our heart-cry for help in times of need.  Most of the time, we pray in silence or in a soft voice, yet, sometimes, we ought to cry aloud onto God for His deliverance (Jeremiah 33:3).  Pastor Choi urges the parents of children who are under the bondage of addiction, sin, and death to keep crying out onto the Lord.


Sermon: Why We Can Trust the Bible

Today, Pastor Choi explains three reasons why we can trust the Bible as truth: 1. It stands stronger than ever after three millennia of fires and persecutions.  Only truth can last forever.  2. We can trust the Bible because of the integrity of authors and witnesses.  3. We trust in the Bible because it calls a spade a spade.


Sermon: 2018-The Year of the Bible

Today Pastor Choi designates 2018 to be the Year of the Bible encouraging all the members of congregation to get into God’s Word for the following three reasons:  1. God’s Word is indispensable for salvation.  2.  It is indispensable for life’s journey.  3.  It is also indispensable for sanctification.


Sermon: Love in the Lord

Today Pastor Choi points out in his sermon the connection between Christmas and love.  Christmas is about God’s love that sent God’s own Son to the cross to save humanity from their sins.  Pastor Choi also connects the Christmas spirit with Jesus’ teaching on the great commandment: love God and love your neighbor (Matthew 22:34-40).

Sermon: Forgiveness in Jesus

Christmas is fast approaching.  Christmas is all about Christ’s birth.  Behind the birth story, we see the love of God who sent His Son Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins.  Pastor Choi explains three aspects of forgiveness: 1. Forgiveness is reciprocal.  2. Forgiveness is divine.  3. Forgiveness is about initiative.


Sermon: On the Lord’s Supper

Today Pastor Choi walks the congregation through Paul’s letter to the Corinthian believers regarding the practice of the Lord’s Supper.  He reminds of the congregation to examine themselves against the Word of God before they partake in the Communion.  Well taken with clear conscience, the Communion can bring strength, health, and life to the partakers.


Sermon: Suffering Christians

Pastor Choi shares three important lessons from Paul’s second letter to Timothy in preparation of persecutions: 1. No Christian can suffer for the gospel without the power of God. 2. No Christian can suffer for the gospel without a heavenly calling. 3. No Christian can suffer for the gospel without trust in the Lord and His good will.

Sermon: Marks of a Vital Congregation—Evangelizing Church—part 4 of 4

Today Pastor Choi concludes his sermon series on “marks of a vital congregation.”  He points out that ‘to evangelize’ means to share the greatest news of all with others that Christ died for all sinners and invites them to believe in Him and live for Him to receive eternal life.  He also reminds the congregation that when a sinner repents there’s a great joy in Heaven (Luke 15:7).  He finally points out the heart of evangelism: Christ’s compassion.  He exhorts the congregation to share Christ with others in Christ’s compassion.

Sermon: Marks of a Vital Congregation—Worshiping Church—part 3 of 4

Pastor Choi continues his sermon series on “marks of a vital congregation”—worshiping church.  Worship is an appointment with God.  In worship, we encounter the living God.  In worship, two things happen: first, we praise and adore the Heavenly Father along with all creatures in heaven and earth.  Next, God realigns our priorities.  He renews our hearts and minds and sends us back into the world as Christ’s representatives.


Sermon: Marks of a Vital Congregation—Caring Church—part 2 of 4

Today Pastor Choi focuses on the second mark of a living congregation: caring church.   He walks the congregation through the history of sharing in Christian Church from Jesus’ teaching to the Early Church.  He also points out the core of charity: love, God’s love, and God Himself.  He exhorts the people of God to care daily through sharing and collects God’s rich rewards!


Sermon: Marks of a Vital Congregation—Learning Church—Part 1 of 4

Pastor Choi starts a new sermon series today: four marks of a vital congregation.  Today, in part 1, he points out that a vital congregation is a learning church; it takes God’s Word very seriously, eager to learn of God through preaching and teaching.


Sermon: What We Are Committed to—Repentance and Renewal—Part 3 of 3

Pastor Choi concludes his sermon series today expounding the Jeremiah 7:1-7.  He points out that God holds accountable the believers in Christ for the destiny of our nation, that our reformed ways of life determines the future of our nation, and that God’s promise of peace and security depends on our obedience to His commands.

Sermon: What We Are Committed to—the Great Commission—Part 2 of 3

In part 2 of 3 series, Pastor Choi points out that we the believers are committed to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  We are to go out into the world to make all the nations disciples of Jesus Christ.  As we do, we should retain our identity of “holy” people of God not compromising our Christian values, principles, and standards.

Sermon: What We Are Committed to—Christ the Head—Part 1 of 3

Today Pastor Choi starts a three part series on commitment.  He reminds everyone that Christ is worthy of our full commitment.  He shows two characteristics of committed believers: on fire for the Lord and consistent in keeping God’s will in their lives.

The Gospel We Believe–God, Sinners, and Christ–Part 1 of 3

Pastor Choi presents his sermon series “The Gospel We Believe” (part 1 of 3) today.  His message focuses on three main entities in the Gospel: God, sinners, and Christ.  God demonstrates His eternal love toward us while we were sinners through Christ who died for us (Romans 5:8).

Sermon: Receive the Holy Spirit—Eight Words of the Risen Christ (part 7 of 8)

Jesus commanded His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22).  Following His command, countless believers received the Holy Spirit in the next two thousand years.  Their ways of experiencing the Holy Spirit can be boiled down to two ways: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit [a.k.a. baptism] and Indwelling of the Holy Spirit [a.k.a. filled with].  Pastor Choi explains strengths and weaknesses of both approaches and exhorts the believers to be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.




Sermon: Do You Love Me?—Eight Words of the Risen Christ (part 6 of 8)

Today’s sermon is the continuation of the last Sunday’s story where Jesus had breakfast with His seven disciples.  After the breakfast, the risen Christ asked Peter three times: Do you love Me? (John 21:15, 16, 17).  Today, the same Christ asks the same question for all of His followers: Do you truly love Me?  What is your answer?


Sermon: Come and Have Breakfast—Eight Words of the Risen Christ (part 5 of 8)

Using John 21:1-14, Pastor Choi focuses on the character of the risen Christ and His interactions with the seven disciples.  He points out that Jesus was considerate and humble to serve them and that He is generous to do far more abundantly beyond our imaginations.


Sermon: 5 Markers of Vitality

In today’s sermon, using Power Point Slides, Pastor Choi introduces “5 markers of vitality” that the United Methodist Church uses to measure the congregation’s health: disciples in worship, new disciples, disciples in small groups, disciples in hands-on-mission, and mission giving.  He exhorts the congregants to work together to achieve the 2017 goals in each category.


Sermon: Fear Not! —Eight Words of the Risen Christ (part 1 of 8)

Fear not (stop fearing)!—these words are the first words the risen Christ spoke to the women at the tomb.  The risen Lord would speak the same words to us who are daily bombarded with fears.

Pastor Choi presents three biblical solutions to our fears: 1. Remember Immanuel (God is with us).  2. Remember how great and awesome our God is.  3. Cast away fears by filling your heart with love, joy, peace, and with God’s Word.