Today Pastor Choi points out three things to remember in the Lord’s Supper. First, Christ is a Sacrifice of Atonement for our sins. Next, Christ is the Bread of Life. Finally, in Christ we are one.
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Today Pastor Choi points out three things to remember in the Lord’s Supper. First, Christ is a Sacrifice of Atonement for our sins. Next, Christ is the Bread of Life. Finally, in Christ we are one.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about the question of “Who am I?” He points out two approaches to answer the question: the world’s standards and those of God. In the world, what we do determines our identity (who we are). In Christ, who we are determines what we do. We are God’s. We belong to Christ.
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Today Pastor Choi points out three qualities in the Roman Centurion who pleaded with Jesus for his beloved servant. He was a man of kindness, humility, and faith. He ended up impressing Jesus with his faith statement: “Just say the Word, Lord, and my servant will be healed” (Luke 7:7).
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Today Pastor Choi presents four biblical principles to live by in the end times. They are: Watch (and Pray), Encourage (to Get Together), Lay aside (the Deeds of Darkness), and Love (Fervently).
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Today Pastor Choi talks about Heaven Preparation. He explains Christian beliefs on death and resurrection. He further explains two deaths and two resurrections listed in the Bible: First death, First Resurrection, Second Resurrection, and Second Death.
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Today Pastor Choi concludes his sermon series on faith. He explains two more aspects of faith: Everyone’s faith is different. Faith never stays the same. He also adds three ways to nurture our faith: 1. Be rooted in God’s Word. 2. Surround yourself with the same minded believers. 3. Imitate the faith of leaders.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about faith, not just any faith, but the Christian faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. He explains two aspects of faith: intellectual understanding and trust. Without such faith, it is impossible to please God.
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Today Pastor Choi points out three lessons from the story of woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with very costly perfume: 1. Once given to the Lord, everything becomes sacred, and nothing is a waste. 2. Our love and devotion to the Lord determine our gifts to Him. 3. The Lord first, neighbor next. Christ first, the poor next. Worship first, charity next.
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Today Pastor Choi concludes his sermon series on the Parable of the Sower (part 4 of 4) where he points out three prerequisites to bear fruit in our walk with God: an honest and good heart, holding fast onto God’s Word, and perseverance. At the closing, Pastor Choi presents a “Good Soil Challenge” where he encourages the congregation to bear fruit with the seed of “Be Thankful in All Circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
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Today Pastor Choi talks about those whom Jesus calls “Among the Thorns” (part 3 of 4 on the Parable of the Sower series).
It is the heart condition where God’s Word is sown, yet due to other “Thorns” such as worries, the deceitfulness of riches, and sensual and self-indulgent pleasures, God’s Word is never brought to maturity.
Pastor Choi offers two strategies to be fruitful in the walk with Jesus. Guard your heart and weed out those “Thorns” on a regular basis.
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Today Pastor Choi continues his sermon series on the parable of the sower (part 2 of 4). He identifies three devil’s strategy to tap eternal life out of believer’s life: temptation, affliction, and persecution. He also adds the importance of being rooted deep in God’s Word and Holy Spirit to lead a fruitful life in Christ.
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Today Pastor Choi begins a sermon series on Jesus’ parable of the sower. As part 1 of 4, he talks about “those beside the road.” As soon as God’s Word is sown in their heart, the devil comes and snatches it away so that they may not believe and get saved.
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Today Pastor Choi invites the audience to listen to Jesus’ dialogue with a group of Jews in John 8:31-47. The topic is “Who is your father?” Of course, Jesus talks about not biological father, but spiritual father. Either God in Heaven or the devil. To find out their spiritual father, Pastor Choi urges the audience to test their faith against three marks of children in relation to their father: 1. imitation 2. obedience 3. desire.
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Through the story of Prodigal Son, Pastor Choi points out 4 R’s in the Gospel of Christ. They are Rebellion, Realization, Repentance, and Restoration.
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Today Pastor Choi speaks about the heart of the matter in racial justice in America. It is the change of the heart in each individual that would see and treat each other as themselves (the Golden Rule). That’s what Jesus talks about in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
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Through the story of Enoch, Pastor Choi talks about the biblical longevity in Genesis 5 to be believed not to be analyzed. He also explains the meaning of walking with God.
For Jindo Parting of the Sea, click here:
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Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s consistency, sovereignty, and generosity in salvation. When we start imposing our own wishful thinking/theology on salvation, we are bound to clash with God and His ways. We’d better conform our salvation perspectives to God’s.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about creation vs. evolution. He shares his journey from evolution to creation that concludes that it is the Almighty God who created them all as He claims over 40 times in the Scripture. The basis of his conviction is two-fold: first, the integrity of God who cannot lie. Next, the Scripture cannot be annulled (John 10: 35).
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On May 7, National Day of Prayer, Pastor Choi invites all Christians to join together in prayer on behalf of America. Humble yourself, Pray, Seek God’s face, Turn from evil ways, then God will hear, forgive our sins, and heal our land—2 Chronicles 7:14.
Today Pastor Choi points out three lessons from the Jairus’s story (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43).
1. Faith and fear are in an inverse relation. 2. The only good fear is the fear of the Lord. 3. Choose faith over fear.
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Today Pastor Choi invites the audience to walk with Jesus. A woman with hemorrhage problem touched the fringe of Jesus’ garments and was instantly healed. To her, Jesus says, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction” (Mark 5:34). At the end of his sermon, Pastor Choi offers his healing prayer for all who would pray for healing with their faith in Jesus.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about three elements of spiritual worship: God, our bodies (entire being), and holy and acceptable sacrifice to God. He expounds further that worship is to God alone, that in worship we surrender all to God and that we present our lives (thoughts, words, and actions) holy and acceptable to God through daily spiritual worship.
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In today’s message, Pastor Choi shares the first Easter greetings of the Risen Christ: Peace be unto you. Receive the Holy Spirit. Forgive.
As the Easter people, we have the Christ’s peace that the world cannot give or take away from us.
As the Easter people, we do have the Holy Spirit in us through faith in Jesus Christ.
As the Easter people, we will forgive each other as Christ has forgiven us.
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In his Good Friday message, Pastor Choi draws the comparison between two Passover stories: one in the book of Exodus and the other in the book of Matthew.
In Exodus, the Passover lamb protects the people in the house with its blood on the doorposts and the lintel.
In Matthew, Christ the Lamb of God, by shedding His blood, covers the sin of humanity and protects those who believe in Him from the eternal judgment.
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Today Pastor Choi takes the congregation to Golgotha, the Place of the Skull. There, we witness everything about the gospel we believe in. The sinfulness of humanity, the sinless Savior who dies on the cross to pay the wages of our sin, and God’s free gift, the eternal life, to those who believe in Jesus.
For Jericho Challenge video, click
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Pastor Choi explains the best heart-care to prevent negative thinking. 1. Heart: the innermost seat of emotion, thoughts, will, and appetites. Heart is a battleground. Heart is an open bowl. 2. Three parties involved in thought process: self, the devil, and God. 3. Ways to take care of the heart: Store up good stuff and Screen out bad stuff. 4. Action points: Remember you are the sole caretaker of your heart. Prevent the enemy infiltration with the password: Is this thought in line with God’s will? Practice screening what you watch and hear. And, repeat the above.
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For Home Worship Bulletin, click here:
Audio sermon below.
Pastor Choi leads the service online for Sunday, March 22, 2020.
He defines addiction as “the yoke of slavery.” He also shares the recovery rates of treatments (Secular vs. Biblical). Finally, he points out that the Holy Spirit is the way to overcome addiction. Takeaway Points: Set your mind on the Holy Spirit -Seek a community of accountability -Study the Word of God (Bible) -Pray -Worship.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about chronic complaining. He presents scientific explanations on how complaining negatively affects our physical health. Then, he expounds the Word of God on how chronic complaining is related to the thoughts we store up in our hearts. Finally, he proposes the best remedy for chronic complaining: being thankful.
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Anger plays a big part in human lives. Depending on how we control and express our anger, it can affect many individuals and families either positively or negatively. Pastor Choi shows three different ways in which people handle their anger. 1. Anger on others. 2. Anger suppressed. 3. Anger given to the Lord. He recommends the people of God to obey His commands on anger: Let God take over your anger. Overcome evil with good. Reconcile after arguments.
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Today Pastor Choi explains the spiritual and biblical aspects of depression: 1. Depression is a spiritual oppression. 2. It is not God’s will for us to be in depression. 3. God offers three practical ways to prevent and overcome depression: Rejoice, Pray, and Be Thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
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In the story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, Pastor Choi points out three lessons for God’s people: first, know what to say in prayer. Have mercy on me, Lord. Next, learn how to say a prayer: Do it persistently until you get Jesus’ attention. Thirdly, follow Jesus. After receiving a miracle from God, follow Jesus faithfully for the rest of your life.
Today Pastor Choi designates the year 2020 to be the year of Walk with Jesus. He explains the meaning of following Jesus and urges the people of God to discover who Jesus is and what He is like through the Word of God and prayers. Throughout the year and beyond!
Today Dan Webster presents various Christmas carols and stories behind them. He explains to the congregation some historical backgrounds of carols and biblical prophecies on Jesus the Messiah.
At Christmas eve service, Pastor Choi shares his life as a believer in Christ. He testifies that Christ has set him free from guilt and shame; from condemnation; from worries; and from anger and bitterness. He invites all to have Christ in their lives who will also set them free from the bondage of sin and death.
Tonight at Thanksgiving Eve Service, Pastor Choi shares true stories and testimonies of the believers in Christ whose thanksgiving transcends all circumstances, both good and bad. The service ends with Martin Rinkart’s hymn: Now Thank We All Our God.
Today Pastor Choi exhorts God’s people to be thankful (more than grateful) to the Lord in all circumstances, both good and bad. He encourages them to do three things: first, understand the true reason behind God’s command to be thankful. Next, desire to be thankful for the sake of obedience to God and His will. Finally, train yourself in thanksgiving beginning with small things.
Today Pastor Choi expounds the biblical principles of giving based on Exodus 36:1-7. They are: 1. Giving is to the Lord and for His work. 2. Giving must be from the heart. 3. Give sufficiently for God’s work.
Today Pastor Choi exhorts the Church the body of Christ to show their solidarity and care for the believers who are being persecuted for the faith in Jesus Christ. Sharing the story of two Indonesian believers, he urges the congregation to pray for the persecuted believers, to write them encouraging notes and cards, and support organizations such as the Voice of the Martyrs that work for the persecuted Christians all around the world.
Today Pastor Choi explains what God’s Word says about silence: human silence and divine silence. After sharing the seven findings on the subject, he explains more on the Lord’s silence. The LORD doesn’t tarry. He will break His silence in the appointed time (kairos) and make all things right and beautiful according to His will.
Today, Pastor Choi talks about Christ’s followers being the salt and the light of the world. He warns the believers not to be “tasteless” salt and encourages them to be the light that brightens the corner where they are.
Today, Rev. Dr. Gina Hendrickson, the guest speaker, talks about the importance of being rooted in the Word of God and prayers for the fruitful life as disciple of Jesus Christ.
Today Pastor Choi reminds of God’s people why and what we do in each Communion: take, eat, and drink in remembrance of Christ’s death for the forgiveness of our sins. He explains the biblical origin of the Lord’s Supper and ends his message with a reminder that we are a covenant people whom God has called to be faithful to His heavenly call in Christ Jesus.
Today, Pastor Choi invites the people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Entering into the hearts of those who accept Him, Jesus will turn their lives upside down for eternal good. He shares the testimony of Nicky Cruz from the book “The Cross and the Switchblade” written by David Wilkerson.
Today Pastor Choi’s sermon (read by Sarah Choi) talks about the relationship between Jesus our Good Shepherd and us His sheep. After explaining three similarities between sheep and people, Pastor Choi expounds on Psalm 23 where King David calls the LORD his shepherd.
Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus being our Good Shepherd. He points out three qualities of Good Shepherd for God’s people: 1. On Behalf of 2. Ownership and Knowledge of the Flock 3. Protection. Indeed, Jesus is all for God’s children. He also knows everything about us. He laid down His own life to protect us from eternal punishment. We can count on Jesus our Good Shepherd.
Today Pastor Choi talks about one thing that Jesus calls a sin. That is, not to believe in the name of Jesus and not to believe in Him as Savior and Lord (John 16:9). The audience is encouraged to read John 15:22, 24, and John 16:7-9 before they listen to the message.
Today Pastor Choi talks about the necessity and urgency of reaching out to the lost (people who need the Lord and salvation) in two stories of Jesus (the lost sheep and the lost coin). God has called every believer in Christ to show their concern and love for the lost.
Today Pastor Choi talks about three lessons from affliction. #1. Affliction is not a disaster but a corrective medicine. #2. Out of faithfulness, truth, and love, the Lord afflicts us. #3. The ultimate benefit of affliction is the return to the Lord and His Word.
Today Pastor Choi talks about four biblical principles on pleasure for the believers to abide by (Ravi Zacharias): 1. Anything that refreshes us without diminishing or destroying our final goal in life is a legitimate pleasure. 2. Any pleasure that jeopardizes or violates the sacred right of another person is an illicit or illegitimate pleasure. 3. Any pleasure, however good it is in itself, if it’s not kept in balance, it will distort reality or destroy appetite. 4. Pleasure must be bought at the price of pain.
Today the Teen Challenge in Philadelphia shared their testimonials of how God helped them to break the chains of addiction. Two parts are worth listening to. May the Lord speak to your heart through their stories.