From the story of a paralyzed man at Bethesda, we can draw two lessons: 1. There are some mysteries of God that we don’t understand now, but God will answer later. 2. Sin causes suffering.
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From the story of a paralyzed man at Bethesda, we can draw two lessons: 1. There are some mysteries of God that we don’t understand now, but God will answer later. 2. Sin causes suffering.
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In the story of Bartimaeus, we can learn three lessons: 1. Implore God’s mercy in prayer. 2. Be persistent in prayer. 3. Keep following Jesus.
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Pastor Choi talks about the power of prayer, touch, and words that we speak.
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Andrew, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, has found the Messiah and immediately brought his brother Simon Peter to Him. That is our model for bringing people to Christ. As soon as we have found Him, we too ought to bring our loved ones to Christ.
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Without repentance, Heaven will be empty! Repentance is our lifeline. Repent and believe in the gospel, Jesus proclaims. So do we.
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Christ Himself is the joy we long for. Christ’s joy is for us. Christ alone can give us the joy eternal.
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God became flesh in Jesus to have the first-hand human experience, and to undergo the same struggles and temptations. Therefore, Jesus the God-man can help us in times of need.
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Jesus Immanuel means: First, divine companionship. Next, ‘Immanuel’ means that God cares. He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). He provides and protects. Finally, it means commitment. God is fully committed to us. Even when we fail to be faithful to Him, He remains faithful to us all the way until we reach Heaven.
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Pastor Choi talks about God’s love, what it is and what it is not. He also points out three characteristics of divine love: First, God, out of love, respects our free will. Next, God’s love disciplines His children. Thirdly, God’s love saves humanity from the fear of death and slavery of sin.
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Pastor Choi talks about three things that matter in our material possessions. 1. Be on guard against greed. 2. Store up treasures in Heaven. 3. Be rich toward God.
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God remembers all things we do and say. He also remembers two things: prayers and charitable gifts. One more thing He remembers for all is salvation. Only in Jesus, salvation is available through the forgiveness of our sins.
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The Lord God is great and awesome. We God’s children are called to worship Him.
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Pastor Choi offers Christ as the true sense of belonging to today’s youth.
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Pastor Choi talks about true security. The only security for the believers is the LORD. Fools rely on their own wisdom and strength yet the believers rely on their God in times of distress.
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Pastor Choi talks about three aspects of true success. 1. It counts in the eyes of God. 2. It is measured by faithfulness on God’s scales. 3. It brings forth rewards from God.
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Pastor Choi talks about true godliness. Godliness is being God-like. It is a character and lifestyle of the Christian who fears, worships, and trusts in God (Psalm 86:2). The godly dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother. They do not oppress the widow or the orphan, the stranger or the poor. Finally, the godly do not devise evil in their hearts against one another (Zechariah 7:9-10).
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Pastor Choi talks about the present age we are living in. That is increasingly becoming a godless society. Deny ungodliness and worldly desires, God’s Word says, then we will be able to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner, being eager for good deeds.
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God alone is wise. In His wisdom and might, God did so many wondrous things for us such as creation, sustaining the entire universe with the power of His Word, and even human body. The greatest wonder and mystery of God’s wisdom and might is Christ, the crucified and the resurrected. It is Church’s mission to proclaim Christ to the world.
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Pastor Choi urges the congregation to pray fervently for united hearts with that of God.
He explains three heart dividers: fear, doubt, and anxiety and offer three action points to have their hearts united with God’s. 1. Consider what the Lord has done for you. 2. Remove all idols from your heart. 3. Turn to the Lord.
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Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ metaphor on three types of people.
1. Those who reject Christ as Savior. 2. Those who are believers in name only. 3. Those who bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about Christ’s unique and exclusive claims on creation, salvation, and redemption. They are: Without Me, no one would have been in existence (John 1:2-3). Without Me, no one can come to the Father (John 14:6). Without Me, God’s wrath remains on you (John 3:36).
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Pastor Choi talks about God the Judge for the Day of Judgment, nature of diving retribution, and leaving room for God’s vengeance.
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Pastor Choi explains the seven benefits of the fear of the Lord: 1. It keeps us safe and secure. 2. It is essential to answered prayers. 3. It is an acceptance letter from God’s Training School. 4. Strong confidence is found in the fear of the Lord. 5. It is a fountain of life. 6. It prolongs life. 7. Its rewards are riches, honor, and life.
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Pastor Choi talks about what the fear of the Lord is and what is not.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about fatherhood. He explains the importance of keeping God’s commandment to honor our fathers not because of but in spite of.
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Pastor Choi exhorts the confirmands to honor the Lord with their time, words/actions, and wealth all through their lives.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about the Holy Spirit as the Counselor, Liberator, and Intercessor. Those who listen and obey the Holy Spirit will grow into Christ’s image every day.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about God the Son and points out His three-fold identity: Mediator, Good Shepherd, and Author (Originator) of faith, life, and salvation.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about the Trinity, in particular, God the Father who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see.
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Today Pastor Choi explains Trinity in the Bible: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three in One and Three are One.
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Pastor Choi talks about honoring our mothers. It is God’s command with a promise of longevity and prosperity. He ends his message with three ways to honor our mothers. First, with our riches and honor. Next, by not being a fool. Finally, by respecting them in our attitudes and words.
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Pastor Choi talks about the threefold riches of God: glory, grace, and kindness. God shares His riches with us and wants us to reciprocate the same riches of God to others.
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Pastor Choi points out three things that upset Jesus: stubborn heart, hypocrisy, and blocking children from coming to Him.
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Audio Sermon: Mark 10:13-16
Pastor Choi talks about the necessity of open heart, open mind, and open eyes to listen and obey the Lord, to understand the Scriptures, and to see the risen Christ among God’s flock.
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In today’s service, Pastor Choi talks about God’s grace that is greater than any human sin. God, the source and giver of hope, never calls anyone hopeless. Everyone is redeemable and reformable in Christ. He urges the congregation to pray for those who are lost and in need God in their lives.
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Pastor Choi talks about biblical understanding of heroes and power. Power doesn’t belong to us, but God. Use power for God’s glory, never for selfish gain. After serving people with God’s given power, stay humble (1 Peter 5:5-6). God will lift you up high in due time.
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Pastor Choi talks about life’s troubles. Based on Job’s story, he points out three ways to handle life’s hardship. First, pray. Next, persevere. Finally, put your trust in the Lord.
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Today Pastor Choi explains what the Bible talks about temptation. 1. Everyone is tempted. 2. Where does temptation come from? 3. Why does the devil tempt us? 4. Only we can bear. 5. Two choices. 6. Help is available. 7. Two divine ways to fight temptation.
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Pastor Choi talks about how much God is involved in our lives: from birth to death and in-between. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He ordained all the days of our life even before our birth and they are recorded in His book. No one is an accident. Everyone is the masterpiece of God’s handiwork.
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Jesus says that no one is good except God alone (Mark 10:18). Pastor Choi talks about human depravity, a.k.a. original sin. Our tendency to sin against God and against each other. That means, we need a Savior for our sins and also need to forgive each other.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about the significance of interconnectedness among God’s children. In the Body of Christ, we the believers are called to share, encourage, confess, and admonish each other to stay healthy and vibrant in the eyes of the LORD.
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Today Pastor Choi expounds Daniel 6:10 for God’s people. He explains how Daniel kept his windows open toward Jerusalem. He also points out how Daniel was determined to keep praying despite the king’s decree that forbade him from praying to the LORD. Pastor Choi exhorts God’s people to be like Daniel in the last days.
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Today Pastor Choi explains the fourfold never-changing nature of God: His character, purpose, truth, and ways of dealing with His people.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about the necessity of faith in salvation, benefiting from God’s Word and prayers, and pleasing God. He exhorts God’s people to grow their faith by hearing Christ’s Word, daily and weekly.
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Today Pastor Choi presents three biblical cases where we can make God a liar. First, if we deny that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. Secondly, if we deny that we are sinners. Finally, if we deny God’s testimony on His Son Jesus the Christ.
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Pastor Choi talks about the word we speak: our words have power to accomplish what we please. Our words have consequences. Our words come with accountability. For action points, he exhorts God’s people to tame their tongue and store up in their heart what is good and true.
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Pastor Choi talks about this year’s goal: to know your God (Joel 3:17). He reminds God’s people that it is God’s command to know Him. He also explains many benefits of the knowledge of God. Finally, he exhorts God’s people to know God every day deeper and more.
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At Christmas Eve service, Pastor Choi talks about the magi who traveled afar to worship the newborn King Jesus Christ. Based on their story, he exhorts God’s people to search for Jesus, worship Him, and give heart to Jesus.
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Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ humility who was born humble, lived a humble life, and died humble. Our Savior began His life of humility in a manger. This Christmas God calls us to be like Christ. Be like Him. Have Christ’s attitude. Be humble.
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Pastor Choi talks about Jesus who was born with a mission from God: to save humanity from their sins through His own death (redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins). Jesus completed His task on the cross and opened our access to God. Christ is no longer a cute little baby in a manger. He is the Son of God, the Messiah, and the true Joy to the world.
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