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Worship Service Bulletin:
MUMC Adult Choir Presents an Easter Cantata:
Lenten Challenge
A Prayer for America
On May 7, National Day of Prayer, Pastor Choi invites all Christians to join together in prayer on behalf of America. Humble yourself, Pray, Seek God’s face, Turn from evil ways, then God will hear, forgive our sins, and heal our land—2 Chronicles 7:14.
Cantata: The Thrill of Hope
Sermon: On Loneliness
Text: Genesis 2:18
Today Pastor Choi talks about loneliness: definition, reality, root cause, and ways to overcome it. He invites the congregation to stay connected with family and friends, anchor themselves in God in prayer and God’s Word, and do something pleasing to the Lord.
Thanksgiving Eve Message: Doing of Thanking for 20 Things
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Pastor Choi talks about the importance of being thankful to God in all circumstances, both good and bad. Listing the benefits of spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical areas, he exhorts God’s people to practice “D.O.T. 20” (Doing of Thanking for 2o Things) every day.
Sermon: On Giving to the Lord
Today Pastor Choi talks about offering to the Lord, its history and attributes: it is to the Lord, the Lord remembers our giving to Him and rewards us with heavenly treasures. He also urges the believers to take up the divine challenge of “Tithing” in Malachi 3.
Sermon: Persecuted Christians
Text: Hebrews 13:3
Today Pastor Choi talks about persecutions against Christians: examples, cause, nature, and proper attitudes toward persecution.
Sermon: The Word of God-the Sword of the Spirit
Text: Ephesians 6:10-18
Today Pastor Choi talks about how to be victorious in our spiritual battle against the spiritual forces of wickedness. He exhorts God’s people to get into the Word of God daily, to receive “Rema” the spoken word of God and wield it against the schemes of the devil, deception and accusation.
Sermon: Concerning the Heart
Texts: Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 4:23
Today Pastor Choi talks about the heart: three kinds of heart, what’s happening in the heart, and how to take good care of the heart.
Sermon: Ding Dong, Your Church Is Calling
Today is Laity Sunday. Our guest speaker, Pauline McShea (lay leader), invites everyone to be involved in ministry.
Sermon: On Communion
Text: Luke 22:14-23
Today is World Communion Sunday. Pastor Choi explains the meaning of Communion (that is, why we do it, and what’s happening in each Communion). He also explains the proper ways to partake in the Lord’s Supper (that is, right ways to receive the Lord’s blessing).
Sermon: On Contentment
Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Today Pastor Choi talks about contentment: its definition, benefits, the choices we make, and the consequences we live with afterwards. He exhorts people of God to choose Christ over the love of money.
Sermon: Be Rich toward God
Text: Luke 12:13-21
Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ warning against greed. He also draws a distinction between two Greek words both of which are translated into the same English word “life.” The first Greek word is ‘ζωη’ (zoe) (e.g. English name–Zoe) and the other one is ‘βιος’ (bios)—e.g. biology, biochemistry,…. Finally, he explains the meaning of being poor (and rich) in the sight of God.
Sermon: On Worship
Text: Exodus 20:1-5a
Today Pastor Choi explains what is worship all about. It is ‘to fall prostrate’ or ‘to bow down’ before God. We are created to worship (Ephesians 2:10) and are to choose the Only True God to worship, not idols. Pastor also explains why the LORD God gets jealous when His people turn their hearts to other gods.
Sermon: Jesus’ Second Coming (Parousia)
Text: 2 Peter 3:1-15
Today Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ Second Coming (Parousia). He encourages the congregation to carefully examine Peter’s explanation of the delay of Parousia threefold: The Lord is faithful to keep His promise. The Lord is patient to give a chance to everyone to come to repentance. The Lord expects us to stay alert in prayer, spotless and blameless while we await Jesus’ Second Coming.
Sermon: What Soil Are You? (Be the Good Soil)
Text: Mark 4:1-9, 13-20.
Today Pastor Choi talks about four types of soil where the seed is sown. Soil represents human heart and the seed represents God’s Word, both proclaimed and read. He explains the following four types of heart conditions: roadside (no chance), rocky (no root), thorny (no fruit), and good soil (fruitful). He exhorts the congregation to be the good soil so that they may be fruitful by accepting God’s Word in their hearts.
Sermon: Success and Failure
Texts: Matthew 6:29, Genesis 39:2
Today Pastor Choi talks about true success in the eyes of God that has nothing to do with money or power. True success points to God for glory and honor. It also brings us closer to God.
Sermon: Be Imitators of God
Texts: Ephesians 5:1, Matthew 5:48
Today Pastor Choi talks about God’s universal plan for God’s children: to make us ‘perfect.’ To achieve His goal, as long as we let Him do His job, He will not rest until He exhausts every means available in His hands. It may be painful at times, but when we trust in His good will, and work with Him, and, in the end, we will be transformed into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Sermon: God’s Word Heals
Texts: 1 Peter 2:24, 2 Kings 5:1-14
Summary: Today Pastor Choi talks about the importance of faith for divine healing. That faith comes from hearing of God’s Word. God’s Word heals. He also reminds the congregation of the proper attitudes in their requests for healing: humility, obedience, and perseverance.
Sermon: Celebrate the Coming King
Text: Psalm 24
Today’s sermon comes from John Parker, guest preacher.
Psalm 24 is called a royal Psalm because it talks about the return of the King of Glory. It begins with the creed that God is the creator of all things and everything belongs to Him. Since we belong to Him, God deserves our worship and can expect our obedience. But who is qualified to come into the presence of the King? Only those with clean hands and a pure heart. Thankfully we are washed clean by the blood of the Perfect Lamb of God. Today we understand Psalm 24 as a prophetic Psalm pointing to the the return of Jesus as the victorious Messiah. Because of His sacrifice we can now be with Him, worship Him, and give Him the glory He deserves. Praise be to God Almighty!
Becoming a member at MUMC
Each month we offer a new member class entitled “Methodism 101” on the third Sunday of the month at 9:45 a.m. (see church calendar for any changes due to holidays).
This class is an overview of the origins of The United Methodist Church, an introduction to our local church and a general discussion time.
If interested in attending simply stop in. All are welcome.