We are called by God for three things: 1. Freedom (Galatians 5:13) 2. The Hope of Resurrection (Ephesians 1:18) 3. Making Disciples (Matthew 28:19)
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We are called by God for three things: 1. Freedom (Galatians 5:13) 2. The Hope of Resurrection (Ephesians 1:18) 3. Making Disciples (Matthew 28:19)
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Pastor Choi talks about three things make the believer a liar. 1. Naturalism. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. Denial of Jesus the Christ
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Pastor Choi talks about three benefits of walking in the fear of the Lord. 1. Security and Confidence 2. Protection 3. Wisdom
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Pastor Choi urges the congregation to beware of the following time-wasters. 1. Unforgiving 2. Comparing 3. Doubt 4. Grumbling 5. Worry
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Pastor Choi designated 2024 to be “The Year of Talents.” He exhorts God’s people to discover and use God’s given-talent in them, and grow spiritually throughout this year.
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons from the magi. 1. Worship the King 2. Bring Gifts Worthy of the King 3. Jesus Is the Savior for All
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons we can learn from the shepherds. 1. Check-it-out Attitude 2. Find Jesus by searching 3. Hear-Experience-Tell
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Pastor Choi talks about angels in the Bible. They are spirits created by God for a three-fold purpose: 1. Messengers of God. 2. Worship/Praise the Lord. 3. Ministering Spirits.
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God worked with Mary and Joseph for the greatest miracle of all: the supernatural birth of Jesus. They shared two outstanding qualities in their character. Willingness and Humility.
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Pastor Choi talks about the two foundations of our life: Christ the solid rock and all other foundations as sinking sand. What or who is the foundation of your life? Have Christ as your foundation. You will never regret it.
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Pastor Choi shares the four suggestions to be content made by Rev. Adam Hamilton in his book “Enough.” 1. Say, “It Could Be Worse.” 2. Ask “How Long Will This Make Me Happy?” 3. Cultivate a Grateful Heart. 4. Ask “Where Does My Soul Find True Satisfaction?”
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Pastor Choi urges the congregation to remember those brothers and sisters who are persecuted on account of their faith in Jesus Christ.
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Pastor Choi talks about what pleases the LORD our God. 1. When we seek His Kingdom and righteousness and do what is right in His sight. 2. When we turn from evil ways. 3. When we do good works. 4. When we pray on behalf of people. 5. When we walk in the Spirit. 6. When we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. 7. When we love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with God. 8. When we trust in the LORD without wavering. 9. When we bear fruit of the Holy Spirit. and much more.
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Pastor Choi explains why sin is bad for our well-being, both spiritual and physical.
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Pastor Choi talks about cross, what happened at the cross, who nailed Jesus to the cross, what is the cross of Christ, and the proper attitude toward the cross of Christ.
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Pastor Choi explains why we celebrate the Lord’s Supper: first, Christ commands us to do so. Next, we remember His suffering on our behalf in Communion, and thirdly, we proclaim Christ’s death until He comes.
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Pastor Choi explains the meaning of three marks of a disciple in Luke 14. 1. Carry own cross and follow Jesus. 2. Hate loved ones and even own life. 3. Give up own possessions.
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Jesus points out two keys to bearing fruit to glorify the name of the Father in Heaven. 1. Remain in Him. 2. His Words Remain in Us.
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Concerning His Second Coming, the Lord commands us two things: Don’t panic and don’t slumber.
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Like the wise virgins awaiting the groom to arrive, Christ commands us to be on the alert for we do not know the day or the hour of His Second Coming.
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Through the parable of the sower and soils, Pastor Choi encourages the audience to accept God’s Word into their heart, meditate on it and pray over the Word, and bear fruit through obedience.
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Three lessons from today’s parable: 1. Use God’s given gift until Christ returns. 2. Remember the accountability. 3. Eternal consequences to those who reject Christ as their Lord and Savior.
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In the parable of the Great Banquet, Jesus points out the three important lessons. 1. Do not reject God’s invitation to Salvation. 2. Put God’s Business First above Yours. 3. It Is God’s Mercy and Grace That Saved Us.
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In the parable of the vineyard, Jesus teaches about God’s grace that trumps human merits and fairness. The Sovereign God does whatever He wants to do with whatever He offers.
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Jesus Christ explains to us the source of evil, the co-existence of evil and good, and the end of evil in today’s Kingdom Parable: the Wheat and the Tares.
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The Kingdom of Heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered fish of every kind; and when it was filled, they pulled it up on the beach; and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers, but the bad they threw away (Matthew 13:47-48)
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Pastor Choi talks about the heart of our Heavenly Father through the parable of the lost son (a.k.a. the prodigal son). He exhorts God’s people to have God’s heart and welcome people who come to the Lord through their repentance.
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Jesus calls us to “go all-in” for God’s Kingdom knowing that all its benefits will be given to those who accept it by faith such as God’s provision, protection, presence, freedom from the bondage of sin and death and much more.
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Pastor Choi talks about Jesus’ Parable of the Leaven. Three lessons we draw from the parable. 1. Life 2. Mix 3. Grow
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Pastor Choi talks about four aspects of eternal life. A) Eternal life is the life that is lived in the presence of God. Without God, there’s no eternal life. B) Eternal life is only available in Christ. It is God’s gift freely available to those who believe in Jesus. C) Anyone who knows God and Jesus the Messiah has eternal life here and now. You don’t have to die to have eternal life. D) Eternal life culminates in Heaven after physical death.
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According to Jesus, there are three prerequisites for God’s Kingdom. 1) unless you are born again, 2) unless you are like a child, and 3) unless you live out God’s will, you will not see or enter God’s Kingdom.Â
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God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy.
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Pastor Choi shares three true stories. All of them were desperately offered on behalf of the family members. All of them were affirmatively answered by God.
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Summary: Jesus traveled land and sea to save one deeply troubled man from his life-long torment. It tells us how much Jesus loves us. He would’ve still gone to the cross even though there’s only one person to save from sin and death.
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Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman about the living water that leads to eternal life.
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Jesus taught His disciples a lesson of trusting Him in the middle of storm. The lesson? Know who is with you, what He can do for you. He is the Lord of all creatures including nature. He is the Almighty to whom every knee shall bow. Do not fear. Have faith in Him.
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From the story of two disciples’ encounter with the risen Lord, Pastor Choi draws three lessons: 1. Everything about Christ was God-ordained. 2. Don’t be a fool in understanding of the mystery of salvation. 3. Take communion seriously.
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Pastor Choi talks about the Doubting Thomas to whom the Resurrected Christ said, “Stop unbelieving, and start believing.” Anyone who doesn’t believe in Christ’s bodily resurrection is not a believer in Christ. Blessed are those who believe in Christ’s physical resurrection without seeing it.
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Pastor Choi talks about temptation today: definition, nature, and ways to overcome temptations.
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Pastor Choi talks about three things: biblical understanding of forgiveness, nature of forgiveness, and practical reasons for forgiving others.
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Pastor Choi talks about three lessons today on ‘daily bread’: 1. Daily bread means ‘daily necessities’ not ‘daily desires.’ 2. Daily bread means ‘daily trust in the Lord.’ 3. We need to have the bread of Heaven, which is the Word of God, for our spiritual nourishment.
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God’s Kingdom and God’s Will go hand in hand. Jesus came to restore God’s full reign on earth. We are called to carry out Christ’s mission on earth until Christ comes. For God’s perfect will to be done, we need to work with Him through our obedience.
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Today’s Message titled “Hallowed Be Thy Name.” In part 2 of 6 in this sermon series, Pastor Choi walks us through the significance of the Lord’s Prayer and the phrase, “hallowed be Thy name” and teaches us what the name of God means to Himself and to us as His children. He also mentions 2 blockers of prayer: 1) idols and 2) taking the Lord’s name in vain.
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Pastor Choi talks about the Lord’s Prayer that begins with “Our Father in Heaven.” He points out that we are commanded to call God in Heaven our Father. Also, he explains what Heaven is all about.
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Pastor Choi weaves into the story of Zaccheus three main points: 1) Salvation is a must, 2) Salvation right now – Today, and 3) Salvation means a new life.
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Jesus demonstrates His divine balance between grace and truth in the story of the woman in the temple (John 8:1-11). Two lessons: 1. All have sinned. 2. Offer grace in truth. Uphold truth in mercy.
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From the story of a paralyzed man at Bethesda, we can draw two lessons: 1. There are some mysteries of God that we don’t understand now, but God will answer later. 2. Sin causes suffering.
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In the story of Bartimaeus, we can learn three lessons: 1. Implore God’s mercy in prayer. 2. Be persistent in prayer. 3. Keep following Jesus.
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Pastor Choi talks about the power of prayer, touch, and words that we speak.
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Andrew, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, has found the Messiah and immediately brought his brother Simon Peter to Him. That is our model for bringing people to Christ. As soon as we have found Him, we too ought to bring our loved ones to Christ.
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