Sermon: We Have Eternal Life

Pastor Choi talks about four aspects of eternal life. A) Eternal life is the life that is lived in the presence of God. Without God, there’s no eternal life. B) Eternal life is only available in Christ. It is God’s gift freely available to those who believe in Jesus. C) Anyone who knows God and Jesus the Messiah has eternal life here and now. You don’t have to die to have eternal life. D) Eternal life culminates in Heaven after physical death.

Sermon script below:

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Sermon: Stop Unbelieving and Start Believing

Pastor Choi talks about the Doubting Thomas to whom the Resurrected Christ said, “Stop unbelieving, and start believing.” Anyone who doesn’t believe in Christ’s bodily resurrection is not a believer in Christ. Blessed are those who believe in Christ’s physical resurrection without seeing it.

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Sermon: Hallowed Be Thy Name (the Lord’s Prayer-Part 2 of 6)

Today’s Message titled “Hallowed Be Thy Name.” In part 2 of 6 in this sermon series, Pastor Choi walks us through the significance of the Lord’s Prayer and the phrase, “hallowed be Thy name” and teaches us what the name of God means to Himself and to us as His children. He also mentions 2 blockers of prayer: 1) idols and 2) taking the Lord’s name in vain. 

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Sermon: True Godliness

Pastor Choi talks about true godliness. Godliness is being God-like. It is a character and lifestyle of the Christian who fears, worships, and trusts in God (Psalm 86:2). The godly dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother. They do not oppress the widow or the orphan, the stranger or the poor. Finally, the godly do not devise evil in their hearts against one another (Zechariah 7:9-10).

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Sermon: God Is Wise

God alone is wise. In His wisdom and might, God did so many wondrous things for us such as creation, sustaining the entire universe with the power of His Word, and even human body. The greatest wonder and mystery of God’s wisdom and might is Christ, the crucified and the resurrected. It is Church’s mission to proclaim Christ to the world.

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Sermon: The Fear of the Lord – Part 2

Pastor Choi explains the seven benefits of the fear of the Lord: 1. It keeps us safe and secure.  2. It is essential to answered prayers.  3. It is an acceptance letter from God’s Training School.  4. Strong confidence is found in the fear of the Lord. 5. It is a fountain of life. 6. It prolongs life. 7. Its rewards are riches, honor, and life.

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